Send your artworks with MBE Auction!

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MBE Auction is designed to meet the needs of auction houses, art galleries, artists, or art enthusiasts who require a competent partner to handle the logistics of collectible items.

Our MBE experts take care of everything: collection, secure packaging, and reliable shipping through our partner carriers. Depending on the location of the goods purchase, Mail Boxes Etc. retrieves the item on-site and ensures its secure transport to the chosen MBE Center.

You can rely on our teams to ensure your items arrive promptly at your chosen destination with complete tracking of your property. You will be notified in the event of any route changes. You can also track your package in real-time with MBE tracking.

Your Center is also there to handle all your requests: shipping modifications, packaging changes, and administrative management of shipments abroad. We also offer the option to add additional coverage, MBE SafeValueArt, which guarantees reimbursement for your goods as well as packaging and shipping costs in case of damage or loss. More than just a shipping solution, we pay special attention to your specific needs to provide the best possible assistance for your collectible items!

Simplify post-acquisition logistics with the MBE Auction platform. 

Auction houses, galleries and marketplaces, enhance your service with MBE Auction. Your buyers can rely on our logistical expertise with complete peace of mind.

Logo Auction Mobility

A new platform for your shipments!

  • Quick Quote: Instant shipping quote with PayPal payment

  • Collection: Choose the ideal time and place for collection of your artwork or collectible items, on demand

  • Packaging: Customize your packaging according to your item with guidance from our experts

  • Shipping: You can rely on our experienced and professional carriers for shipping your goods within France or abroad

  • Coverage: All your shipments are covered by our SafeValue solution

Access MBE AUCTION platform

MBE France - 37 bis, rue du Général Leclerc - 92130 Issy les Moulineaux - France - SARL au capital de 758 000 €, RCS Paris 539 736 397
At the moment there are no Service Centers in ##COUNTRY##.
If you are interested in opening a Center or acquiring the Licence please contact:

